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Financial Advisors 3/10/2020

Scripts for Financial Advisors: Preparing for the Next Market Decline

Here is a brief Market Decline Prep Script you can use now, while the market is still relatively high, with each of your clients. You can also use ... READ MORE

Market Opinion 3/5/2020

Three Data Points For You To Consider On The Coronavirus

In our Calm, Steady, and Common Sense series, we endeavor to bring you information to help you through the current market that may be helpful in ex... READ MORE

Client Retention 3/4/2020

Building Client Relationships: 1 Simple Task to Earn Loyalty

Joe Girard was a master of making people feel welcome, comfortable, and appreciated. However, it was his method of doing so that separated him from... READ MORE

Market Opinion 3/2/2020

Dunham’s Response to the Coronavirus and the Current Market

On Sunday, March 1, as of the writing of this report, the Wall Street Journal reported that Rhode Island and New York have their first Coronavirus ... READ MORE

Market Opinion 2/28/2020

Calm, Steady, and Common Sense

We have all dealt with market, economic, or geopolitical events and the fear they may cause. Generally, this fear is the perception of the current ... READ MORE

Self Improvement 2/27/2020

Timely Topics for Client Conversations

In this post, some topics for client conversations are discussed, as well as remedies to concerns which clients may have to developments in the mar... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 2/25/2020

Why Investors Should Pay for Advice

The bull market has run for more than ten years. Many investors don't remember down markets. Now online trades seem to be commission free. READ MORE

Sales Development 2/20/2020

What Scottie Pippen's Bankruptcy Can Teach Us

Bankruptcies are common among professional athletes, winners of the lottery, and celebrities in the public eye. READ MORE

Self Improvement 2/18/2020

Systematize, Systematize, Systematize

With so much distraction, dysfunction and noise going on, it’s more important than ever to streamline your practice by systematizing all your proce... READ MORE

Client Acquisition 2/13/2020

Emerging Opportunities in Niche Markets

When clients are not sure who to pick or how to differentiate amongst a sea of financial advisors, knowing you belong to a similar group of people ... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 2/11/2020

17 Reasons Financial Advisors Should be Proud of Their Profession

In this post, 17 inspirational and motivational opinions on the financial advising industry are laid out for our financial advisors to read. READ MORE

Financial Advisors 2/6/2020

Even with Hindsight, Investing is Hard. On the Other Hand, Is It?

Hypothetically, let us say that as a financial advisor on October 9, 2007, you had a client with $1 million to invest who would need use of that mo... READ MORE

Self Improvement 2/4/2020

How To Think Big Without Becoming Overwhelmed

Helen Keller was once reportedly asked, “Is there anything worse than being blind"? She replied, "Yes, a person with sight and no vision". READ MORE

Sales Development 1/30/2020

On the Topic of Becoming a Better Salesperson

Even though the Tony Robbinses or the Zig Ziglars of the world promise to impart the secrets of selling to those willing to dish out hundreds or th... READ MORE

Market Opinion 1/28/2020

Which Party Traditionally Helps the Stock Market More?

Typically, Republicans represent the free-market concept, while Democrats often represent regulation of the economy. READ MORE

Financial Advisors 1/23/2020

MUST READ: Did One Of Your Married Prospects or Clients Die in 2019?

As you know, as of January 1, 2020, non-spousal IRA beneficiaries lost their ability to stretch their required minimum distributions over their own... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 1/21/2020

Avoiding a Potential 401(K) Rollover Tax Trap in 2020

What if you could convert ordinary income for a portion of a 401(K) rollover to capital gains? Would that have a benefit? READ MORE

Self Improvement 1/16/2020

How Do You Instill Discipline to Your Team?

In this post, Coach Jim Johnson explains how to establish credibility and structure amongst team members. READ MORE

Client Acquisition 1/14/2020

How To Attract Million-Dollar Clients By Adding Comprehensive Legacy Planning To Your Practice

How much do you want to grow your practice? How fast do you want to grow it? It’s relatively easy to increase your average account size from $250k ... READ MORE

Market Opinion 1/10/2020

Video: Dunham | Quarter in 2s

Today's video was created by Francisco Quinonez, the Marketing Manager at Dunham. If you have questions concerning today's topic, please call us a... READ MORE