
Read our latest thoughts on Estate Planning, Trust Services and Mutual Funds.

Financial Advisors 9/15/2020

Confusion and Misconception Abound: Helping You Set the Record Straight.

In my humble effort to provide support, let me review some of the finer points of social security, all fully sourced, so you can combat the misconc... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 9/8/2020

Should I Become a Financial Advisor?

Are you considering a career as a financial advisor? Gaining insight before diving into a job is invaluable for navigating unfamiliar waters. READ MORE

Client Acquisition 9/1/2020

Does Community Involvement Have a Business Payoff for Advisors?

You’ve got to be in the right place at the right time. Woody Allen observed: “80% of success is showing up.” READ MORE

Free Time & Leisure 8/25/2020

10 Things You Can Do When You Don’t Feel Like Working

There are days when your “Get up and go” just “Got up and went.” Every day has the potential to be the best day of your career. READ MORE

Financial Advisors 8/18/2020

6 Tips for New Financial Advisors

Starting a career as a new financial advisor is both exciting and daunting. Are you passionate about learning more, building your portfolio, and de... READ MORE

Client Acquisition 8/11/2020

How I Engage With New LinkedIn Connections (Without Scaring Them Away)

Everyone wants to know how to turn LinkedIn connections into business. Many advisors are good at getting first-level connections, but what do you d... READ MORE

Sales Development 8/4/2020

3 Local Influencers You Want to Know

Knowing people is good. Knowing certain people may be better. Centers of Influence. We basically define them as people who can send business to us. READ MORE

Client Retention 7/28/2020

3 Ways to Build Your Client Base as a Financial Advisor

Kurt Zoeller is a financial advisor and Certified Wealth Strategist at his firm Zoeller Asset Management, based out of Chesterfield, Missouri. We ... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 7/21/2020

1031 Exchange Issues Might Extend Beyond the Tax Deadline

Your clients selling real estate may be facing a new challenge when using a 1031 exchange to defer capital gains. READ MORE

Video 7/14/2020

Video: Dunham | Quarter in 2s

Every quarter we will give you our opinions on domestic markets, international markets, and the bond market, all in about 2 minutes. READ MORE

Financial Advisors 7/7/2020

Finally, A Sigh of Relief For Early RMD Recipients

The CARES Act provided a waiver of required minimum distributions (RMDs) for 2020. It applied to IRAs, 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, and governmental... READ MORE

Client Acquisition 6/30/2020

How I Made LinkedIn Worth the Effort

Everyone is searching for the “silver bullet” in prospecting. My goal has been to raise my visibility on LinkedIn. READ MORE

Sales Development 6/22/2020

Your Network Is Probably Bigger Than You Think

The COVID-19 pandemic has us all working from home. This can get pretty old, pretty quickly. You’ve called clients. Done virtual cocktails with fri... READ MORE

Client Retention 6/17/2020

How to Handhold Nervous Clients

What happens when the market has a big down day? Well, it had to happen eventually. READ MORE

Market Opinion 6/10/2020

When Small is Big: Next Investment Opportunity?

Typically, when climbing out of an economic crisis, equity markets will rise in anticipation of a stronger economy and small cap stocks will tend t... READ MORE

Sales Development 6/3/2020

Winning the Trust of Ultra-High Net Worth Clients

This post was authored by Jeffrey Dunham, Dunham's Chairman/CEO. If you have questions concerning today's topic, please call us at (858) 964 - 050... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 5/27/2020

How an Advisor’s Time Translates Into Value

Most people do not understand the value that comes from time spent working on a project. The majority of the time the only thing they see is the en... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 5/19/2020

De-escalating a Hostile Situation, with Jeffrey Dunham

This post was authored by the Dunham Marketing Team. If you have questions concerning today's topic, please call us at (858) 964 - 0500. Hold us t... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 5/13/2020

Help for Financial Advisors: 15 Tips to Help You Survive Your First Year

Dave Fadenziero is a financial advisor based out of Mountainside, New Jersey. He celebrated his one year business anniversary on February 21. Faden... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 5/6/2020

Are Advisors Following, "The Scout Law"?

In Bryce Sanders' article, "Are advisors being good (boy) scouts right now?", he outlines how these twelve guiding principles can be used as a chec... READ MORE