
Read our latest thoughts on Estate Planning, Trust Services and Mutual Funds.

Market Opinion 11/12/2019

The Unicorn Phenomenon - Coming To A Close?

With the struggling performance of tech stocks following recent initial public offerings (IPOs), is it really worth it to buy at IPO? READ MORE

Self Improvement 11/7/2019

Why Should You Have A Personal Mission Statement?

In this article, Coach Jim Johnson explains how having a personal mission statement can teach you to find value in yourself every day. READ MORE

Financial Advisors 11/5/2019

What are TAMPs and How Can They Free Up a Financial Advisor's Time?

Turn-key asset allocation programs have been available for decades, but technological advancements and industry changes have increased the populari... READ MORE

Client Retention 10/31/2019

How Clients Become Centers of Influence and Tell Your Story

In this article, Bryce Sanders reviews some of the ways that clients can use their connections to find you prospects. Bryce also lists situations w... READ MORE

Video 10/29/2019

Dunham's Third-Quarter 2019 Economic Recap

The third-quarter 2019 Quicklook reviews the economic events from the prior quarter, as well as their effects on the market. READ MORE

Client Acquisition 10/24/2019

Who Are Centers of Influence, Anyway?

For many advisors, meeting and associating with high net worth (HNW) prospects is a challenging goal. This article lists activities that may introd... READ MORE

Trust 10/22/2019

Five Key Aspects to Look For in a Trust Company

Offering trust services allows you to build your client's wealth well into the future while at the same time creating a strong business relationshi... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 10/17/2019

Craft Your Answer to “What Do You Do?”

Advisors and agents put lots of effort into getting themselves into the right social situations with the right people. Shortly after introducing th... READ MORE

Trust 10/17/2019

Creating Large Pools of Assets to Manage: A Planning Tool for Deferring Taxes for up to 20 Years

If a client or prospect mentions they plan to sell a highly appreciated real estate or business, a planning tool known as an Intermediated Installm... READ MORE

Sales Development 10/10/2019

How Drinking Better Wine Can Lead to Increased Business

As a financial advisor you want to join high net worth (HNW) circles, make friends and transition those relationships to business when appropriate.... READ MORE

Financial Advisors 10/3/2019

8 Things Wealthy People Worry About

Your well-off clients may have primary concerns more local than global events. In his article, Bryce Sanders discusses what some of these concerns ... READ MORE

Government 10/1/2019

Impeachment and the Bull Market

Last week, I had three conversations with financial advisors and with one Dunham investor asking if I thought that an impeachment would mark the en... READ MORE

Sales Development 9/26/2019

An Overlooked Way to Increase Your Client Base

When you tell your friends what you do, you can find yourself wondering why they have not yet become your client, even long after your practice is ... READ MORE

Self Improvement 9/24/2019

It’s September 2019 – Time to Go Back to School

Now that summer is over, isn't it time to refocus your personal learning? Jim Rohrbach of Success Skills has compiled an excellent resource of book... READ MORE

Client Retention 9/16/2019

Be A Resource To Your Clients With Special Needs Children

Clients with special needs children can have many demanding needs that you may not be familiar with. Mike Zhang at has put toge... READ MORE

Free Time & Leisure 9/12/2019

15 Things Wealthy People Talk About

While we might be tempted to think of the wealthy as a separate class of people with separate hopes, dreams, and interests, it is often the case th... READ MORE

Client Retention 9/10/2019

Lessons Learned from Netflix in Retaining Clients

Acquiring customers is harder than retaining current ones. Analysis shows that it can cost five times more to get a new person to use your product ... READ MORE

Sales Development 9/5/2019

Want new clients? Partner with another business

Hosting events when prospecting can be a tricky business, especially when you feel as though you've exhausted your usual dine around or seminar ser... READ MORE

Free Time & Leisure 8/29/2019

10 Ways to Appear Wealthy

Bryce Sanders writes about presenting yourself properly in a way that will make your appearance as rich as your advising skills. READ MORE

Self Improvement 8/27/2019

Sample Timelines for Successful Seminars

It can be difficult to time out your seminars so you have enough time to prepare but also keep your workflow smooth and don't end up with lots of w... READ MORE