Forms Library

Standard AAP, C-Shares

Required forms

Optional forms

Required forms

Supplemental documents

Optional forms

Entities or Trusts require additional documentation. For example: Articles of Incorporation, Partnership Agreements, trust documents, etc.

Required forms

Optional forms

Required forms

Optional forms

IRA application includes Dunham Trust Company as Custodian

Required forms

Optional forms

IRA application includes Dunham Trust Company as Custodian

Required forms

Optional forms

IRA application includes Dunham Trust Company as Custodian

Required forms for employees

Optional forms

SEP IRA Application includes Dunham Trust Company as Custodian

Required forms for employees

Required forms for employers

  • Company Profile Form for Simple IRA Plans and Form 5305-Simple
    Use this form if you are an employer establishing a new SIMPLE IRA Plan with Dunham & Associates Investment Counsel, Inc. or Dunham Trust Company, collectively “Dunham”. If you are a sponsoring employer of a current SIMPLE IRA Plan held at Dunham, you do not need to complete this form unless you have a material update to the plan or payment method.

Optional forms

SIMPLE IRA Application includes Dunham Trust Company as Custodian